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Dalet students refine their reading and writing skills, learn additional conversational Hebrew and the beginnings of basic Hebrew grammar (masculine/feminine, present tense verbs, roots).  Students are very familiar with the Shabbat morning service by Dalet and begin to delve deeply into the meaning of the Shema section of the service, working on the Hebrew of the prayers and participating in experiential learning and art projects to explore their meanings.


Holidays (and some prayers) are explored through the lens of their attendant mitzvot and living out those mitzvot.  For example, the Dalet created a book to tell the story of Passover to younger grades in fulfillment of the commandment to tell the story and will create new mezuzot for the congregation in fulfillment of the commandment to hang mezuzot from the Shema.


Students continue in direct text reading from the Exodus through major stories of the Prophets.  The text is illuminated by student-made art and poetry.  A special focus on the work of famous Jewish artists (poets, painters, sculptors, etc.) underpins this work.  Students also develop discipline and collaborative skills as they create drafts for projects, receive and give kind critique, and take pride in meaningful work.  


The value for the Dalet year is kedusha (holiness), explored deeply through their prayer curriculum and their year of family education.

In an exploration of kedusha, students learn about ideas about God, discuss their own ideas, and explore problems of theology that have interested and perplexed Jewish thinkers throughout the ages.  They are introduced to ideas of Reconstructionism while being supported in developing and expressing their own personal theology.  Hands-on activities give students a safe and engaging way to communicate their ideas to their classmates.  The curriculum purposefully builds skills of collaboration and respectful dialogue.  


Gimmel, Dalet, and Hay participate in a variety of hands-on tzedakah projects through the year, chosen by the classes.  They also participate in multi-age hands on holiday programming (olive oil press, matzah factory) and collaborate art work through the year.  Each class has an opportunity during the year to participate in cooking activities.  These classes are also particularly invited to participate in BK Youth Choir when opportunities for performance arise.
Thu, April 25 2024 17 Nisan 5784